GO YOUR OWN WAY | Peter Elberg Funerals | Pre-paid fixed price funeral plans
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You've had grand plans.
A prepaid funeral should be one of them.


Life is one incredible journey. Pre-paying your funeral means the emotional and economic cost won’t come as a surprise to your family. With the cost of funerals doubling every 10 years a prepaid fixed-price funeral plan makes good economic sense. You’ll also be reassured to know that your prepayments will be securely invested and held in trust, in accordance with Government legislation, by Foresters Financial. For all the details, or to secure your prepaid fixed-price funeral plan call us today on 8234 1266 or click here.

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Preplanning your funeral with a prepaid funeral plan makes good sense, both economically and emotionally. Here are some reasons why:


1. Reduced Emotional Stress

Losing a loved one is an emotionally challenging experience, and planning a funeral during this time can be overwhelming. By preplanning your funeral, you spare your family from making difficult decisions during an already emotional time. They can focus on grieving and supporting one another, knowing that your wishes are being fulfilled.


2. Financial Benefits

By prepaying your funeral, you lock in the costs at today's prices, protecting yourself and your family from future inflation and rising funeral expenses. Funeral costs tend to double every 10 years, so prepaying allows you to pay current rates and save money in the long run.

Financial Report

3. Relieve Financial Burden

Planning and paying for a funeral can be a significant financial burden on your loved ones. By prepaying, you alleviate this burden and provide peace of mind to your family during an already difficult time. They won't have to worry about arranging and financing the funeral, as you have taken care of it in advance.

Girl with Arms Stretched Out

4. Go your own way

Preplanning allows you to customise your funeral according to your requests. You can specify the type of service, burial or cremation options, coffin or casket selection, music, readings, and more. By making these decisions in advance, you ensure that your funeral meets your wishes, values, and beliefs, providing a more meaningful and personalised farewell.

Enjoying the View

5. A plan to keep your pension

A funeral plan can help you keep your pension. The amount deducted from your pension each fortnight is $3 for every $1,000 above the asset-test threshold. Money you invest in our prepaid fixed-price funeral plan will not be included in your pension asset test. In fact, the plan will act to reduce your level of assets on paper.


6. Minimise Disputes

Funeral arrangements can sometimes lead to disagreements among family members who may have differing opinions on how to proceed. By preplanning and documenting your wishes, you reduce the likelihood of disputes and ensure that your intentions are clear. This can help prevent conflicts and maintain family harmony during an already emotionally charged time.

By pre-paying or pre-arranging their funeral people lessen the burden on their family

- Peter Elberg

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